Sunday, 21 May 2017

It pays to try something different.

After our last, Access to Movement workshop we all had a little informal injury clinic. One lovely Pilates Instructor named Stephanie had a particular issue that we discussed and I did a quick on the spot treatment. Stephanie was so pleased with the immediate change that she booked in to visit me at my clinic.
As Stephanie was clearly an experienced movement specialist I quickly agreed to a therapy exchange.
so on Friday I took myself along to her little home studio. Fuschia Pilates

I have a long standing problem with joint laxity at my sacro-iliac joint.  I shan't bore you with the details, the outcome is that my right hip muscles seem to panic, turn off (become hypertonic) leaving me with a weak hip. Due to the wondrous connectivity of our muscular, skeletal and fascial system, the clearest manifestation of this is that my right ankle collapses in (pronates)

Many things help to restore this issue and I am great believer in looking at the whole picture and all the fascia and muscles as a big connected chain. Stephanie's more specific muscle by muscle approach however was very useful as we managed to pinpoint which particular muscle was disinclined to engage in play and target the obturator( deep bum muscle that helps to turn the leg out) for a hard hitting session.

Feeling great now.
Thanks Steph!

So no matter what activity you are involved with and no matter what you think you know. It is Always, Always worth trying something different!

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

A diagnosis is often just a description - not a life sentence.

This is a bug bear of mine.

Clients will arrive with various ailments and complaints. They may come for a couple of treatments. I may encourage them to take part in conditioning exercises to revamp a few dying muscle systems, they will re-think their diet and all will be going well with improvements being made - and then they go to their GP.

The GP does her job, unsure of exactly what is wrong the client is sent to a specialist or the hospital for an X ray and the client is given a diagnosis, e.g. arthritis or tendonitis or perhaps they may have a syndrome like carpal tunnel syndrome or maybe they just have bunions (not their fault because Mum had them too .. aargh! don't get me started on that one! I'll be ranting all night!).

Then the exercise, and the progress stops!

Arthritis is wear and tear, it to be expected, everyone has it or is going to get it and it is usually only a problem if it's excessive or uneven. Most of the discomfort is often due to trigger points in the muscle and the physical stress of poor movement patterns that contribute to this excessive wear and tear.

Bunions are often due to a poor choice of footwear and/or improper gait so that the foot musculature is not being used properly, again poor movement patterns.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a build up of tissue in a small space in the wrist. It can often be helped if not completely sorted with the aid of some decent stretch routines, a bit of massage and a change of habit.

These ailments and many others can be helped through exercise, postural changes, lifestyle adaptations, massage  and other advice.

BUT people seem to think that a diagnosis is some kind of life sentence to pain, and medication, and an excuse to stop trying. It isn't. It is merely a description of your symptoms!!!!!

Figure out how and why you have pain then
Don't Live with Discomfort........Get it fixed!

That's all...