I often come across a scenario where a client presents with
lots of issues. Sore knees, a dodgy hip, a
bit of back pain. Often this client is very active. They may play a game
regularly or take part in many classes; Bodypump, bootcamps, bodyvive,
circuits.. It is therefore surprising to
discover in the course of the consultation that an entire muscle system is hypertonic or inactive. How are they managing?
They manage because the body is wonderful at adapting and
compensating. This ability is a blessing in times of desperate need but it can
also result in overuse of one particular joint. It pulls the system out of
balance and causes wear and damage. This is the sort issue that results
ultimately in joint replacements. Fitness instructors, however well qualified and
well-intentioned, are not able to spot your body's clever compensation in most class
If you feel out of sorts or that you are collecting ailments
after exercise this is NOT a ‘to be expected’ sign of age, it is a sign that you
need some help. A qualified sports therapist should be able to clarify your issues. A personal trainer with a remedial qualification may be able to help.
I discovered a major imbalance attending an adult beginners Parkour class in Room to Move. There is no hiding unbalances in parkour. I had no idea my left quad was so weak. I spend a lot of time in a partial squat while doing massage and I would have guessed both were strong. But that does explain that little ache on my left side!
Don’t live with discomfort…Get it Fixed!